Thursday, June 3, 2010

Heart Tattoo Designs

Man has been experimenting with different types of body art for thousands of years. Body art, or tattoos, are common among men and women alike. There are many different styles of tattoos, but one of the most common has to be heart tattoos.

A heart tattoo can be used to symbolize many different aspects of life, but for many generations, these heart tattoos have been used as a sign of love among couples. In most instances love heart tattoo designs normally have a rose flower to show deep affection. It is not uncommon to find a couple with matching love heart tattoos, and they are not afraid to show the tattoos off.

Not all of these heart tattoo designs are symbols of love; others signify betrayal, loneliness or heartbreaks. The heart tattoos that have knives or swords slashing through them are symbols of a painful heartbreak. However if the tattoo has some wings, that is a sign of spirit that is completely uninhabited.

There are some particular parts of the body where heart tattoos look best. For men, the best placement for these tattoos is on the upper arm, while women prefer to have the tattoos on their thighs and lower backs. Many people get them done on the shoulder as well.

Heart tattoo designs are many and varied. The most common is the traditional heart that normally has a banner running through its center. This is the most basic heart tattoo design, but you can add something modern to make it look different from other traditional heart tattoo designs. The modern designs are common in many urban settings.

The sacred heart design is another common tattoo design. This religious-based tattoo has a burning heart that is surrounded by a diadem of thorns is usually drawn bleeding. It is used by Christians to signify their love for Jesus.

Tribal hearts are also quite common today. You can have the heart tattoo designed any way you want. These tattoo designs come in different styles, all of which have unique meaning. Ancient civilizations used these tattoos to mark different occasions in life. Today, the tattoos are used as symbols of varying aspects of life, other than love.

When you're looking for your preferred tattoo design, you should pay much attention as this is a mark that will be in your body forever. Make sure that the colors you choose for your tattoo match well with the color of your skin. You can find various heart tattoo designs from the internet. You can also visit the nearest tattoo parlor to find out which designs are on offer there. Another place to look for tattoo designs is tattoo books and magazines which have some of the best selections of heart tattoos.

Heart Tattoo

Heart Tattoo

Heart Tattoo